Tuesday 11 December 2012


Nine days before the end of the world & here I am writing a blog. I could be spending precious time with my family, or partying hard, but no, here I am, just about to go to bed, staring at an almost blank screen on a nine year old laptop. I'm out of scotch, smoked my last stogie & got customers to see tomorrow... well today. The end of the world is bad news as it means I've got less than two weeks to grow http://dropdeadsexypeople.com into something other than a fancy web address & a half arsed website. I've got plans & I only hope I can succeed in 8 days time so I've got at least one day to revel in it & spend all the millions I plan to make.

If you're a man or a woman (18 or over) & nice looking by your own standards & you like dancing or being an idiot in front of a camera, why not email me a vid of yourself (fully clothed, dancing or being an idiot in front of a camera) & I'll post it on my website. Okay so by this point the screen's no longer almost blank & I have a cunning plan for all the sexy videos you're sending me. I can't give anything more away right now, other than to say that in the future I may call on you to make another vid (fully clothed again) only that time, you should earn money from it. I'll explain why & how, when things get busier.

Right, off to bed now.

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